4 Ways That Compressor Overhauls Can Fix Airflow Problems

Working in, managing or owning an industrial facility can be exciting. In most cases, you are directly or indirectly engaged with the manufacturing of a product, and it can be so rewarding to have an actual product to see as a result of your labour. However, whether you produce pens, mine coal or refine oil, there are always risks involved. As the husband of a woman who has worked in a factory for her entire career, safety in these situations is a topic close to my heart. This blog looks at safety considerations around equipment, supplies and just working in factories in general. I hope my ideas help guide you.

4 Ways That Compressor Overhauls Can Fix Airflow Problems

29 December 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Compressors are used in a variety of industries, including automotive and construction.

A compressor can be used for many different things and is vital to any business or industry that uses air tools. A compressor that isn't working properly can cause serious problems for your business, so it's important to make sure that you have a qualified technician who can perform a compressor overhaul when necessary.

The following are four ways that compressor overhauls can fix airflow problems.

1) Compressor Overhauls Can Fix Clogged Condenser Coils

A clogged condenser coil may be the reason for poor airflow. When dirt builds up on the condenser coil, it blocks the refrigerant from flowing through it and reaching the evaporator core. The evaporator core is where the cooling process takes place before returning back to the compressor. Compressor overhauls can fix a clogged condenser coil by cleaning it and ensuring that the refrigerant is flowing smoothly through all of your system's components.

2) Compressor Overhauls Can Fix Faulty Capacitors

A faulty capacitor will also prevent efficient airflow within your home or business building. This part controls voltage in an electric motor while protecting it from overloading or short-circuiting. It also helps regulate motor speed and power consumption in order to maintain optimal performance levels at all times during operation.

3) Compressor Overhauls Can Fix Belt Tension

If your belt tension is too loose, it will cause the compressor to wear out faster and may also lead to premature failure. This happens because the belt slips when there's too much slack in it, causing friction between itself and other moving parts within your system. Compressor system overhauls can help you fix this problem by tightening the belt and making sure that it's properly aligned with all of its pulleys. This will ensure that your compressor has the right amount of tension to work correctly without causing excessive wear on any other parts within your system.

4) Compressor Overhauls Can Clean Up Dirty Oil

Over time, dirt and moisture get into the oil of a compressor's internal parts and interfere with their function. This can lead to extensive damage and cause serious malfunctions down the line. A compressor overhaul cleans out this gunk and restores proper lubrication to all internal surfaces—which improves airflow efficiency by reducing friction between moving parts.

A non-working or underperforming compressor will cost you time and money. If you want to keep your equipment running at peak performance, a regular compressor overhaul is essential.

About Me
Safety Blogs for Industrial Equipment and Suppplies

Working in, managing or owning an industrial facility can be exciting. In most cases, you are directly or indirectly engaged with the manufacturing of a product, and it can be so rewarding to have an actual product to see as a result of your labour. However, whether you produce pens, mine coal or refine oil, there are always risks involved. As the husband of a woman who has worked in a factory for her entire career, safety in these situations is a topic close to my heart. This blog looks at safety considerations around equipment, supplies and just working in factories in general. I hope my ideas help guide you.
