Roof Insulation: Why You Should Choose Insulated Roof Panels

Working in, managing or owning an industrial facility can be exciting. In most cases, you are directly or indirectly engaged with the manufacturing of a product, and it can be so rewarding to have an actual product to see as a result of your labour. However, whether you produce pens, mine coal or refine oil, there are always risks involved. As the husband of a woman who has worked in a factory for her entire career, safety in these situations is a topic close to my heart. This blog looks at safety considerations around equipment, supplies and just working in factories in general. I hope my ideas help guide you.

Roof Insulation: Why You Should Choose Insulated Roof Panels

7 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Insulation is one of the best decisions you can make as a homeowner. With a big proportion of annual energy expenses in households incurred through heating and cooling, insulating your home can save you the extra expenses. Heat loss through the roof is common in most homes, and finding the ideal roof insulation is essential for energy savings. Insulated panels are among the best options on the market today for roof insulation.

Insulated roof panels are made by sandwiching a core of polyurethane (PUR) material between two structural facings. They can be installed on the exterior or interior side of the roof depending on your preference.  Here are some of their features and benefits.

Low installation costs

Insulated roof panels are usually pre-engineered in a factory environment in the ideal size and roof measurements. Once they are delivered on site, there is minimal alteration on the panels. As a result, less time is spent on installation, and there are fewer defects during construction. Also, on-site material wastage is reduced. This significantly reduces installation costs, making them suitable compared to other expensive insulation options such as spray foam.

Lower U-values

U-values measure the effectiveness of a material as an insulator. Materials with low u-values are better insulators than those with higher u-values. Insulated roof panels consist of a solid core of polyurethane (PUR) through the structure. This material has excellent thermal insulation properties and ensures that heat is spread evenly across the roof. It can significantly reduce the annual heating costs in your home.

Air tightness

The air spaces in other roof insulation materials can facilitate heat loss and increase your heating expenses significantly. Insulated panels are airtight, meaning that cold or warm air from outside cannot find its way in your house through the roof. Your house remains warm during the cold season, and cool during the hot season, without costing you more for heating and cooling.

Habitable roof space

Some types of insulation material such as spray foam and loose fills may render your roof space inhabitable. If you are planning on utilizing your roof or loft space for storage or other uses, consider using insulated roof panels. Since they are installed directly on the roof structure, they do not interfere with the space between your roof and the ceiling.


Insulated panels are sustainable and environmentally friendly. They are superior to other forms of roof insulation materials that contain chemicals which are harmful to the environment. They can also cause health complications when inhaled. 

Insulated roof panels have numerous benefits to offer when it comes to energy savings and comfort in the cold and hot seasons. To get the best out of them, ensure that you choose the right contractor to install them.

About Me
Safety Blogs for Industrial Equipment and Suppplies

Working in, managing or owning an industrial facility can be exciting. In most cases, you are directly or indirectly engaged with the manufacturing of a product, and it can be so rewarding to have an actual product to see as a result of your labour. However, whether you produce pens, mine coal or refine oil, there are always risks involved. As the husband of a woman who has worked in a factory for her entire career, safety in these situations is a topic close to my heart. This blog looks at safety considerations around equipment, supplies and just working in factories in general. I hope my ideas help guide you.
