Why Timber Crates Are Ideal for Your Storage Needs

Working in, managing or owning an industrial facility can be exciting. In most cases, you are directly or indirectly engaged with the manufacturing of a product, and it can be so rewarding to have an actual product to see as a result of your labour. However, whether you produce pens, mine coal or refine oil, there are always risks involved. As the husband of a woman who has worked in a factory for her entire career, safety in these situations is a topic close to my heart. This blog looks at safety considerations around equipment, supplies and just working in factories in general. I hope my ideas help guide you.

Why Timber Crates Are Ideal for Your Storage Needs

14 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Most businesses will require storage solutions for their products. However, making a choice on what material to use can prove quite overwhelming considering the array of options available. As such, you will find some businesses resorting to the use of cardboard boxes to store their products. Although this may seem like a convenient option, it is not a long-term solution. Here are some of the reasons why timber crates would be ideal for your storage needs.

Timber crates are moisture resistant

It is not uncommon to find that cardboard boxes have become soggy over time, especially if they are being used for extended storage durations. Not only does this mean that you have to regularly replace these boxes, but it also puts your goods at risk of moisture damage. Contrary to popular belief, timber crates can be quite resistant to moisture if the right precautionary measures are taken. First, opt for timber crates that have been made from wood species such as redwood or cedar. These are innately resistant to moisture and therefore will not succumb to premature water damage. Second, you should ensure that the timber crates have been sealed with waterproof caulking. This will prevent water from penetrating the walls of the timber crates.

Timber crates are economical

When it comes to investing in a storage solution, most business owners would want to keep their costs low. This is why timber crates are a popular option. First, timber crates are much more readily available when compared to other materials such as steel. As such, they are cheaper to invest in. Second, the manufacturing process of timber crates is less complicated than that of other materials such as plastic and steel. Therefore, you are more likely to cost save when you opt to purchase a large quantity of timber crates.

Timber crates are built for vertical storage

When it comes to making a choice on storage solutions, you have to consider how best you can make the most of the space available to you. This is why most business owners would prefer having their storage crates stacked up to maximize on both the floor space as well as vertical space. However, not all materials are built for vertical stacking. For example, heavy goods stacked in cardboard boxes puts the boxes at risk of caving in. Timber crates are designed with thick walls, which make them capable of withstanding the pressure of the vertical stress as long as the weight is distributed properly.

About Me
Safety Blogs for Industrial Equipment and Suppplies

Working in, managing or owning an industrial facility can be exciting. In most cases, you are directly or indirectly engaged with the manufacturing of a product, and it can be so rewarding to have an actual product to see as a result of your labour. However, whether you produce pens, mine coal or refine oil, there are always risks involved. As the husband of a woman who has worked in a factory for her entire career, safety in these situations is a topic close to my heart. This blog looks at safety considerations around equipment, supplies and just working in factories in general. I hope my ideas help guide you.
