Boosting Car Elevator Safety for Effective Operation in Showrooms

Working in, managing or owning an industrial facility can be exciting. In most cases, you are directly or indirectly engaged with the manufacturing of a product, and it can be so rewarding to have an actual product to see as a result of your labour. However, whether you produce pens, mine coal or refine oil, there are always risks involved. As the husband of a woman who has worked in a factory for her entire career, safety in these situations is a topic close to my heart. This blog looks at safety considerations around equipment, supplies and just working in factories in general. I hope my ideas help guide you.

Boosting Car Elevator Safety for Effective Operation in Showrooms

15 May 2017
 Categories: , Blog

You will need car elevators if you are an investor in the automotive industry. They come in handy when shifting vehicles from different floors in showrooms for display or selling. As normal machines, car elevators have to be maintained and used in the right manner to provide the necessary safety of the process. Observing some standards set by your vendor will help you execute its operation in the right manner and avoid certain risks that may come about.

Ensure Proper Certification

All car elevators and fleet maintenance facilities should carry the coveted "Gold Label" that is branded from the Automotive Lift Institute (ALI). This certification proves that the lift meets all the stringent safety thresholds. All the components should be well scrutinised and physically tested. With this approval, the lift will be able to meet the safety and performance requirements.

The verification process from the vendors and manufacturers ensures that the structural integrity of the lift's components, load holding devices, system controls, overload protection, and lowering speeds have been well set and are properly functioning.  

Review All the Installation Concerns

Major installation concerns involve verification by the manufacturers that the automotive shop can physically support the car elevator based on foundation factors. Any obstructions within the floors must be determined before the installation process begins. In addition, the lift installer must use specific anchors that are recommended by the manufacturers. Anchoring devices are given specific engineering considerations before being specified for the elevator.

Ensure Proper Elevator Selection

A series of factors come to play when selecting your car elevator before installation. Weight and height of the elevator are a big concern. The technician responsible for maintenance of the facility must know in advance the weight of the heaviest vehicle to be handled in your showroom. This will help in selecting a lift that is certified to handle the required weight capacity. Height is also an essential factor to be considered. The height clearance of the facility of the facility, therefore, must be determined prior to choosing the elevator to be installed.

Develop a Strict Maintenance Schedule

Ensure that all the car elevators are subjected to a regular system of scheduled maintenance based on the requirements of manufacturers. An annual elevator inspection from a certified inspector would be great. Do not be the type that waits for a mechanical breakdown for you to call a technician. This will help promote safety at the automotive shop.

About Me
Safety Blogs for Industrial Equipment and Suppplies

Working in, managing or owning an industrial facility can be exciting. In most cases, you are directly or indirectly engaged with the manufacturing of a product, and it can be so rewarding to have an actual product to see as a result of your labour. However, whether you produce pens, mine coal or refine oil, there are always risks involved. As the husband of a woman who has worked in a factory for her entire career, safety in these situations is a topic close to my heart. This blog looks at safety considerations around equipment, supplies and just working in factories in general. I hope my ideas help guide you.
