Three Important Considerations for Selecting an Ideal Water Trough

Working in, managing or owning an industrial facility can be exciting. In most cases, you are directly or indirectly engaged with the manufacturing of a product, and it can be so rewarding to have an actual product to see as a result of your labour. However, whether you produce pens, mine coal or refine oil, there are always risks involved. As the husband of a woman who has worked in a factory for her entire career, safety in these situations is a topic close to my heart. This blog looks at safety considerations around equipment, supplies and just working in factories in general. I hope my ideas help guide you.

Three Important Considerations for Selecting an Ideal Water Trough

8 May 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Raising livestock can be a challenging undertaking. If the right choices are not made, an agricultural operation could experience significant financial losses. Choosing a water trough is one of the important decisions that you must make for your farm. If you choose an unsuitable water trough, your animals could experience injuries or diseases. Also, the efficiency of watering the livestock could be compromised. Here are critical factors to help you select the best trough for your needs.

Container Material

You should compare the different materials used to manufacture water troughs before choosing the correct one to match your requirements. In general, there are three primary materials which can be utilised for trough fabrication: plastic, steel and concrete. Plastic troughs are popular because they are durable and affordable. They are economical and easy to handle for both small and large operations. Steel is a strong material, but it is prone to rusting. If you are interested in this option, you should select a container with a food-grade coating. Concrete troughs are durable, stable and safe. However, you must remember that handling will be challenging.

Livestock Safety

You should select a water trough designed to ensure the safety of the livestock. In some farms, the owners attempt to reduce expenses by using alternative containers for livestock watering. For example, an old bathtub can be used for this purpose, or one can purchase a large basin. You should avoid containers which are not specifically intended for watering animals. These receptacles might have sharp edges, or they might not be safe for animal use. You should also take the local weather into account when evaluating safety. For instance, some plastic troughs might crack in freezing weather, and the sharp edges might cause injuries.

Trough Size

Choosing the best trough size for your farm can be complicated. If you opt for a small container, you will need to plan for constant refills. On the other hand, a large trough will require more space on your farm. Also, it will cost more, and handling will be challenging. Therefore, you must find a suitable mid-ground to avoid suffering losses. In general, you should think about the number of animals on your farm. The trough should be large enough to meet their water requirements for a specific period. However, it should not allow water to remain for too long because rotting and microbial growth will occur.

Finally, you should make sure that the chosen water trough will be easy to fill with water and keep clean.

About Me
Safety Blogs for Industrial Equipment and Suppplies

Working in, managing or owning an industrial facility can be exciting. In most cases, you are directly or indirectly engaged with the manufacturing of a product, and it can be so rewarding to have an actual product to see as a result of your labour. However, whether you produce pens, mine coal or refine oil, there are always risks involved. As the husband of a woman who has worked in a factory for her entire career, safety in these situations is a topic close to my heart. This blog looks at safety considerations around equipment, supplies and just working in factories in general. I hope my ideas help guide you.
